This page last changed on Mar 29, 2006 by scytacki.
PocketPC testing Mar 16 2006
Testing on a Dell Axim X30 Advanced 312 MHz. This is the model used in Clarksville TX.
Content tested:
- added text with keyboard and letter recognizer
- sequenced through Sensing Inv 1 and 2
- opened tech hints
- made a drawing
Probes work as of Friday Mar 17 but I have not done testing yet.
- After I added another portfolio and pressed continue the program exited. After restarting the program added portfolio was not there.
Tech hint in Sensing, Inv1, Trial one shows AirLink instead of EasySense Q Advanced. This is because there are separate LabBooks for the AirLink and EasySense. We still need to complete the EasySense tech hints.
- Tech hint for recording a singe measurement is wrong in two ways:
- Uses Palm specific language
- States that this function is not working – it is now.
pull down menu (for inv parts) overwrites the top item. I was on Trial one, I tapped on pulldown and the parts of the Inv are displayed. The text "Trial 1" is located in two places, in its normal place and overwriting the text "Investigation Introduction"
- Name of program at top of screen is "SuperWa" – presumably superWaba. Would be nice if it was SensorPort.
Scott Cytacki - I don't see anything listed at the top of the screen. Not SuperWa or SensorPort. This looks tricky to fix...
Data collector UI display problem. Opened the temperature graph. The View and Tools pulldown menus at the bottom are truncated both when they display their name, and the bottom elemenst when they are selected. For example: selecting View brings up a menu where only half of "Bar" is visible and none of "Line". Tapping the screen where "Line" should be causes Line to display.
- Data collector UI display problem. Tapping the subtitle brings up the properties tabbed dialog. The graph tab has the text "no summaryno summary" displayed in the bottom of the tabs obscuring the bottom of the tab labels. The labels "Title:" and "Data" are not well lined up with their fields. The Setup button doesn't do anything. When selecting an axis tab and tapping in a Min or Max field it would be nice if the existing text was selected. The values have 12 digits of precision after the decimal point. I think the values should be rounded to something with less precision. How about rounding down 1% of the range to come up with a value that sets precision: 1-9.9: 0.01; 10-99: 0.1; 100-999: 1, etc.
About SensorPort window extends too far down partaily into the bottom menu bar. There is no "About Labbook"
Stephen, More testing on Axim 30, EasySense Q probes
In general after collecting data and tapping Done there is a pause of aprox. 4s before the screen is refreshed.
- Temperature probe (product code #3100) is identified and works in ports 2 and 4.
- Light probe works (product code #3120), maximum value for product #3120 is 1000 Lux
- I then plugged in a Motion sensor (product code #3705) and tried to connect.
The EasySense showed up in the Bluetooth browser but when I selected it an OS error was produced:
"No Bluetooth serial poprts could be found for device EasySense
Q Advanced 051213-00006"
and after clicking OK another was produced by our program:
"Device Not Found: Can't find device: null"
Turns out the EasySense had powered off. After powering it on collecting data worked. After pressing Stop, the graph stopped collecting data but motion collector operated for another 4 s. After operating for 4 s at the foll collection rate (buzz sound) the motion collector continued to click once a second for the next 2 minutes until the EasySense powered off.
- Force Probe (product code #3143) probe "Force 5N" reports 50 N with no force applied. Applying a strong squeeze with my hands brings the readings down to 0 N. The same results happen opening probe "Force 50N". The probe has a physical zeroing adjustment which worked to
- Voltage probe (product code #3160) worked fine, measured values from -20 to +20V.
- Uncaught exception here's the end of the debug info (pasted via Pocket IE into confluence):
614795 Stack trace:
614797 org/concord/waba/graph/DataGraphable.addActionListener(Lorg/concord/waba/extra/event/ActionListener;)V line 214
614797 org/concord/waba/graph/AnnotView.addBin(Lorg/concord/waba/graph/DataGraphable;)V line 97
614797 org/concord/CCProbe/GraphSettings.init2()V line 146
614798 org/concord/CCProbe/LObjGraphView.secondPhaseInit()V line 360
614798 org/concord/CCProbe/LObjGraphView.clear()V line 602
614799 org/concord/CCProbe/LObjGraphView.onEvent(Lwaba/ui/Event;)V line 570
614799 waba/ui/Control.postEvent(Lwaba/ui/Event;)V
614799 waba/ui/Button.onEvent(Lwaba/ui/Event;)V
614800 waba/ui/Control.postEvent(Lwaba/ui/Event;)V
614800 waba/ui/Window._postEvent(IIIIII)V
614800 org/concord/waba/extra/ui/ExtraMainWindow._postEvent(IIIIII)V line 283
614801 ---------------------------------
614803 An error was found in the program being
run by the SuperWaba VM.
Error: Uncaught exception java/lang/NullPointerException
I created the Bluetooth network connection via the Belkin WAP (very confusing maze of menus) so I could connect via Pocket IE and upload the error above to confluence.
restarted program
When I now first tried to Connect the EasySense didn't show up. Only after I clicked small circle w/2 arrows next to the View menu in the lower left of the screen did the EasySense show up.
- Force 50N – after collecting a graph that was stable at +0.6 N and then dropped to -3.2 N I stoppeed collecting and put marker flags on both these values. The marker at -3.2 displayed the value correctly. The marker at +0.6 displayed it's value as 76.3E-3 which is wrong both numerically (should be aprox 600E-3, perhaps a decimal point error) and in general exponential notation should be avoided. In this case the total Y range was 6 N.
- Barometric Pressure (product code #3140) worked fine with data collector Gas Pressure Sensor.
- I haven't yet found a relative humidity probe to test. Looking for this probe: Humidity Sensor (product #3145)
007871 DH: open: bluetooth
008985 DH: opened port: bluetooth
008986 DH: checking if device is attached on port: bluetooth
009064 Device id: 4 Version: 8
009189 Device id: 4 Version: 8
009310 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 0 type: 4
009363 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 1 type: -1
009415 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 2 type: -1
009562 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 3 type: 1
009612 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 4 type: -1
009689 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 5 type: -1
009738 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 6 type: -1
009747 request period: 0.10000000149012
014928 DH: closing port: bluetooth
019036 DH: opened port: bluetooth
019221 Device id: 4 Version: 8
019323 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 0 type: 4
019372 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 1 type: -1
019446 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 2 type: -1
019596 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 3 type: 1
019646 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 4 type: -1
019723 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 5 type: -1
019799 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 6 type: -1
019800 request period: 0.10000000149012
021812 DH: closing port: bluetooth
054322 DH: opened port: bluetooth
054376 Device id: 4 Version: 8
054425 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 0 type: -1
054503 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 1 type: -1
054550 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 2 type: -1
054699 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 3 type: 1
054780 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 4 type: -1
054825 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 5 type: -1
054878 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 6 type: -1
054879 request period: 0.10000000149012
056692 DH: closing port: bluetooth
130403 DH: checking if device is attached on port: bluetooth
130407 DH: open: bluetooth
131274 DH: opened port: bluetooth
131276 DH: checking if device is attached on port: bluetooth
131329 Device id: 4 Version: 8
131379 Device id: 4 Version: 8
131454 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 0 type: -1
131503 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 1 type: -1
131694 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 2 type: -1
131835 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 3 type: 1
131877 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 4 type: -1
131931 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 5 type: -1
132003 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 6 type: -1
132004 request period: 0.10000000149012
160755 DH: closing port: bluetooth
498087 DH: opened port: bluetooth
498165 Device id: 4 Version: 8
498239 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 0 type: -1
498314 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 1 type: -1
498364 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 2 type: -1
498514 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 3 type: 1
498564 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 4 type: -1
498642 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 5 type: -1
498715 DH: read valid sensor record chanNo: 6 type: -1
498716 request period: 0.10000000149012
508108 DH: closing port: bluetooth
052437 DH: checking if device is attached on port: bluetooth
052439 DH: open: bluetooth
052457 DH: Cannot open port: bluetooth
052460 DH: checking if device is attached on port: bluetooth
055243 DH: open: bluetooth
055245 DH: Cannot open port: bluetooth
055246 DH: checking if device is attached on port: bluetooth
059415 DH: open: bluetooth
059417 DH: Cannot open port: bluetooth
059417 DH: checking if device is attached on port: bluetooth
066455 DH: open: bluetooth
066457 DH: Cannot open port: bluetooth
066457 DH: checking if device is attached on port: bluetooth
074645 ======= End =======
020057 DH: open: bluetooth
020085 DH: Cannot open port: bluetooth
020086 DH: checking if device is attached on port: bluetooth
024336 DH: open: bluetooth
024338 DH: Cannot open port: bluetooth
024338 DH: checking if device is attached on port: bluetooth
009982 DH: open: bluetooth
010009 DH: opened port: bluetooth
010010 DH: checking if device is attached on port: bluetooth
011058 Warning! org/concord/sensor/serial/SerialException@39a8 - write error: 0
011058 Stack trace:
011059 org/concord/sensor/waba/SensorSerialPortWaba.write([BII)V line 194
011060 org/concord/sensor/waba/SensorSerialPortWaba.write([B)V line 182
011061 org/concord/sensor/dataharvest/DataHarvestSensorDevice.sendCommand(Ljava/lang/String;[B)V line 804
011061 org/concord/sensor/dataharvest/DataHarvestSensorDevice.tryCommand(Ljava/lang/String;[BLjava/lang/String;II)I line 820
013040 DH: open: bluetooth
013063 DH: opened port: bluetooth
013064 DH: checking if device is attached on port: bluetooth
014111 Warning! org/concord/sensor/serial/SerialException@3f44 - write error: 0
014113 Stack trace:
014113 org/concord/sensor/waba/SensorSerialPortWaba.write([BII)V line 194
014113 org/concord/sensor/waba/SensorSerialPortWaba.write([B)V line 182
014114 org/concord/sensor/dataharvest/DataHarvestSensorDevice.sendCommand(Ljava/lang/String;[B)V line 804
014114 org/concord/sensor/dataharvest/DataHarvestSensorDevice.tryCommand(Ljava/lang/String;[BLjava/lang/String;II)I line 820
008922 DH: open: bluetooth
008947 DH: opened port: bluetooth
008950 DH: checking if device is attached on port: bluetooth
010000 Warning! org/concord/sensor/serial/SerialException@ff18 - write error: 0
010000 Stack trace:
010001 org/concord/sensor/waba/SensorSerialPortWaba.write([BII)V line 194
010001 org/concord/sensor/waba/SensorSerialPortWaba.write([B)V line 182
010001 org/concord/sensor/dataharvest/DataHarvestSensorDevice.sendCommand(Ljava/lang/String;[B)V line 804
010001 org/concord/sensor/dataharvest/DataHarvestSensorDevice.tryCommand(Ljava/lang/String;[BLjava/lang/String;II)I line 820